# Inputs

If you need create an input, use <reforms-input> tag like this:

<reforms-input type="string" label="My Input" v-model="value" />


  • type is input type (required)
  • label is input label (optional)
  • v-model is input value. Is reactive.

# Multiple

If you need multiple value (array like), you can use multiple attribute:

<reforms-input type="string" label="Multiple input" multiple />

Then reforms create "remove button" and "add button" for create and remove value.

# Sortable

Reforms supports sorting value with sort buttons. It's work if multiple is enabled

<reforms-input type="string" label="Multiple and sortable input" multiple sortable />

# Input group

You can group inputs, and groups can be multiple and sortable

<reforms-input type="group" name="mygroup" label="My Group">
  <reforms-input type="string" label="Value 1" name="value1" />
  <reforms-input type="string" label="Value 2" name="value2" />

# Important note

For inputs in group name attribute is necessary

# Input types


Last Updated: 3/9/2021, 3:35:12 PM